Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Rule Engine Agnostic Business Rule Management System (BRMS)

Rule Engine Agnostic Business Rule Management System (BRMS)

What is BRMS?

BRMS automates business policies in custom and composite business application

Typical Rules & Software Management Cycle

Role of BRMS in Software Development Cycle

Advantages: -
  1. Ease of Use
  2. Efficient and Scalable
  3. Improve Productivity and Maintainability
  4. Centralized knowledge repository
  5. Customize product and services
  6. Customize/Schedule deployment
  7. Create rule repository and manage rule meta data
  8. Expose rule as web service, ejb etc
  9. Ability to simulate testing i.e. scenarios
  10. Rule versioning management
All the stake holder of rules mainly
  1. Architect
  2. Business Analyst
  3. Developer
  4. Policy Manager
  5. System Manager
can all work in unified manner.

Paradigm shift - BRMS Agnostic of Rule Engine

There is twist in the BRMS products after coming of jsr 94 specification. Let’s give end user ability to swap and change the underline rule engine with ease. But what end user least wants a complete change in the existing production rules. Here what I am envisioning a BRMS product which is agnostic of rule engine and whole BRMS is written using jsr 94 specifications so that changing rules engine will be quiet easy.
Such a development paradigm has emerged, and it has demonstrated the ability to radically improve the efficiencies of creating, modifying, extending, and repurposing solutions for enterprise application integration, process automation, and trading partner interchanges. The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm has redefined the concept of an application. No longer an opaque, procedural implementation mechanism, an application is an orchestrated sequence of messaging, routing, processing, and transformation events where both message content and the functional components that operate on the message are exposed using XML technologies. XML-based development and deployment platforms that facilitate the SOA paradigm are highly compelling because they alleviate significant development and life cycle overhead and enable the extension and reuse of components and entire applications to an unprecedented extent.
Applications that rely on sophisticated, constantly evolving business rules stand to benefit substantially from this paradigm. It has long been recognized that isolating business rules entirely from procedural code, or any process implementation mechanism would dramatically improve a business’ ability to manage and adapt their business processes in response to new requirements or business conditions. Consequently, isolating, exposing, and publishing business rule sets as services that can be accessed by any application or process provides one of the most compelling value propositions for the Services Oriented Architecture paradigm.

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